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        Service provider of Creativity,planning,production and marketing for the stage arts

        KuanYou Culture, with a total of more than 400 service projects, has been concentrating on providing one-stop integrated outsourcing service for theatre stage art over the past 10 years.

        • Art types include theatre, dance, musical, opera, children's play and so on.

        • Customer types involve production company, art group, government and cultural institution, commercial brand and so on.

        • Services contain research planning brand positioning, rehearsal production, performance marketing, domestic and foreign tour, as art exchange, art talent training ,international project introduction and domestic operation,etc.


        Exclusively responsible for the overall publicity and operation of the first round of genuine authorized stage play A Chinese Odyssey;

        Exclusively responsible for the overall publicity and event planning of the first round of the large-scale original opera Peaceful Year;

        Exclusively responsible for media publicity and guest invitation of Beijing launching ceremony of the first Daliangshan International Theatre Festival Xichang China.

        Exclusive organizer of the 8th “China Dream Comes True, Spring Seedling Action” performance of excellent children's stage plays,hosted by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism.

        Exclusive organizer and operator of the 3rd Beijing International Comedy Festival,co-hosted by Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Beijing Theatre Association.

        Exclusive organizer of Beijing Story Excellent Small Theater Repertoire Performance 2019, hosted by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism.

        Exclusively planned and implemented the event, taking representatives of the capital state-owned art troupes to Edinburgh Fringe Festival for visiting and learning.

        Exclusively planned and implemented the first Beijing Theatre Management Talent Training Class.

        Exclusively undertake the first round of publicity, plan and execution of the Chinese original musical Popeye, authorized by American original IP .

        Exclusive producer of large-scale children's stage play Alley Cat King of The Stadium, full of fantasy and adventure.

        Exclusively undertake the publicity and operation of Beijing New Art Troupes’Excellent Theatre Performance 2019.

        Exclusive producer of Peiyuan Theatre Incubation Platform,sponsored and hosted by the Beijing Culture and Art Foundation.


        Exclusively organizer and operator of the children's play The Disciples of Confucius, produced by the Comprehensive Arts Teaching and Research Base of Shanghai Theatre Academy.

        Exclusive operator of modern dance Oath Midnight Rain touring overseas.

        Exclusive organizer of Dream Comes True in May Performance Season, hosted by Beijing Performance & Arts Group,for publicity.

        Exclusive organizer of the 7th “China Dream Comes True, Spring Seedling Action”, performance of excellent children's stage plays,hosted by former Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture.

        Exclusive organizer of Beijing Story - Excellent Small Theater Repertoire Performance 2018, hosted by former Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture.

        Exclusive organizer of Beijing Story Previous Featured Work Tour (Shenyang Changchun), hosted by former Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture, specially subsidized by Beijing Culture and Art Foundation.


        The firm is the exclusive publicity operator of the stage play Thomas & Friends:The Carnival’s coming!,which is the Chinese version authorized by original IP.

        The firm is the exclusive publicity operator of the Chinese musical Long Johns and Rolling Pin;

        The firm is the exclusive operator of the large-scale modern dance Twelve Zodiac;

        The firm is the exclusive operator of “Yulan Blossom Theatre Season”,that plays produced by Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre tour to Beijing,for publicity and issuance.

        The firm exclusively organizes seminar,script reading and Hunan's folk arts collecting, that are hosted by the Beijing Theatre Association.

        The firm exclusively organizes Nationwide Excellent Play in Small Theatre Season 2017,co-hosted by Department of Art, former Ministry of Culture and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture.

        The firm exclusively organizes the first Beijing Story Tour,that popular plays of last season tour to Tianjin and Shanghai,which is hosted by former Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture, specially subsidized by Beijing Culture and Art Foundation.


        The firm is exclusive publicity operator of the stage play Li Lei and Han Meimei.

        The firm is exclusive publicity operator of the large-scale industrial poetic theatre Realization,produced by Shougang Cultural Company.

        The firm is exclusive operator of the large-scale modern dance Blooming of Time, touring at home and abroad;

        The firm is the Co-organizer of Nanluoguxiang Theatre Season, hosted by Culture Committee of Beijing Doncheng District.

        The firm exclusively organizes seminar,script reading and Tibet's folk arts collecting, that are hosted by the Beijing Theatre Association.

        The firm exclusively organizes the “Beijing Story 2016”,performance season for plays in small theatre,that is hosted by former Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture.

        The firm is exclusive organizer of the Youth Association and 40 Drama Lectures into School, hosted by Youth Art Service Center of Communist Youth League Beijing Committee.


        To strengthen its position as a professional service provider in the performing arts industry, KuanYou Culture strategically enters a painful upgrade period by adjusting business lines of long-term projects that is future oriented and short-term projects with high profit,and devotes more in projects selection, and providing more comprehensive services.

        1/ To save time for building a self-learning team and selecting high-level projects, Kuanyou Culture initiatively does subtraction by abandoning projects without creative work,high art quality,and respect to suggestions that partners make.

        2/ Kuanyou Culture targets at representative and reputable clients that own diverse works and willing to listening to voices from partner, for in-depth and long-term cooperation. For example, deeply involved in the daily management and commercialization of works, Kuanyou Culture has been the exclusive branding operator of Beijing Modern and Contemporary Dance Company;

        3/ By doing more innovative work,Kuanyou Culture proactively searches and deeply participates in the operation of festivals or seasons with official background, so as to further enrich industrial resources and increase the brand value.


        Concentrating on providing publicity and operation services, KuanYou Culture gathers nearly 100 projects of various art types within three years, that it accumulates rich industrial resources and experience.


        Exclusively cooperated with Beijing Gehua Group, KuanYou Culture develops and operates the Beijing International Performing Arts Service Platform, which is the first internet programme providing B2B service for the performing arts industry. It also firstly creates projects recommending plays that will premiere to the market in China Millennium Monument Theatre,a subsidiary of Gehua Group.


        Cooperated with many performing arts institutions as their exclusive media partner,the Cando grows into one of the most professional and influential websites for theatre reviews, while the KuanYou Culture begins to serve various performing projects for publicity and marketing.


        The backbones of the predecessor company go into a partnership with the registered company KuanYou Culture, and the website is renamed Cando.


        Beijing Cando Cultural Development Co., Ltd., the firm's predecessor company,sets up the Cando Culture,which is the first website for theatre reviews in China, and produces a musical paly named Beauty and a humorous music concert.

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